Book Design

Your book is your baby. You’ve put countless hours into research and writing. You want it to look great as you bring it into the world.

We’ve designed scores of book covers and book interiors for White River Press and Genealogy House (Amherst, MA) as well as for authors who wish to publish privately. Novels, mysteries, business books, memoirs, genealogies, handbooks, poetry, short stories, and children’s books. And our work has won several awards in the process. Your book will get the attention and focus it deserves to make it uniquely yours!

The Duffs and the MacKinnons – Neighbors for Generations cover
The Duffs and the MacKinnons – Neighbors for Generations family tree
The Duffs and the MacKinnons – Neighbors for Generations spread
The Duffs and the MacKinnons – Neighbors for Generations spread
O’Donnell and Ginkinger Family History cover
O’Donnell and Ginkinger Family History spread
O’Donnell and Ginkinger Family History spread
The Keen Family and the Mayflower Beginning cover
The Keen Family and the Mayflower Beginning spread
The Keen Family and the Mayflower Beginning photos and genealogy
The Van Buskirks of Indiana
The Van Buskirks of Indiana generations chart
The Van Buskirks of Indiana spread
The Van Buskirks of Indiana spread
1st Lt. Edward Turner Noland, Jr. 1917–1944 cover
1st Lt. Edward Turner Noland, Jr. 1917–1944, awards and title page
1st Lt. Edward Turner Noland, Jr. 1917–1944 family tree
1st Lt. Edward Turner Noland, Jr. 1917–1944 spread showing his B-25